Processing Time
Generally, orders are processed and shipped within 1-2 business days. However, please allow up to 8 business days which can occur during high volume order periods.
All orders are shipped from New York City and delivery time is based on shipping method chosen by customer.
Order Tracking
You will automatically be emailed tracking once your package is shipped by our warehouse team. If you haven’t received tracking please reach out to info@onlyny.com.
Domestic Shipping Options
We currently offer UPS Ground, and USPS Priority Mail.
International Shipping Options
Through our partnership with Global-e, we are pleased to provide an enhanced international shopping experience for customers in many countries and territories. International shoppers now get the benefit of seeing product prices in their local currency, guaranteed order totals, cost-effective international shipping.
Standard delivery: 12-15 business days once shipped. (Delivered by local currier)
Express shipping: 3-6 business days once shipped. (Delivered by DHL)
Shipping costs are based on your order size and quantity, with real-time quotes provided. Duties and taxes are handled upfront for most countries.
By shopping with us, you authorize Global-e to import your goods on your behalf. Questions? Please reach out to us atinfo@onlyny.com.
International Delivery Times
International delivery typically takes 4-10 days from date shipped. However, some international shipments can take up to 4 weeks depending on local carriers and location.
European/UK Shipping
Currently, none of the Only NY products are available to be delivered to Europe/UK due to legal restrictions. Please visit us at one of New York City stores.
Missing Package
Please allow 24 hours after the stated delivery time to contact us. Sometimes packages are scanned early or accidentally delivered to a neighbor. If your package has not been located after 24 hours, please contact us!
Exchanges & Returns
Please reach out to us via our Returns page to instantly request a return.
Full priced items purchased from our site are eligible for a refund or exchange if returned within 14 days of purchase.
For all customers, return shipping costs will not be covered.
Please reach out to us at info@onlyny.com with an introduction.
Careers & Internships
Please refer to our Careers page for available LinkedIn job postings.