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  • 通常納期は発送日から4~7営業日ですが、それ以上かかる場合もございます。
  • 配送料は、リアルタイムの見積もりを使用して計算され、重量と配送先に基づいています。
  • 現在、注文を私書箱の住所に発送することはできません。




米国郵政公社 (USPS) は、追って通知があるまで提供されます。プライオリティ メール (1 ~ 2 週間で到着) とファースト クラス メール (2 ~ 4 週間で到着) の 2 つの USPS 配送オプションが提供されます。送料は注文のサイズと数量によって異なり、チェックアウト プロセス中にリアルタイムで見積もりが提示されます。ご不明な点がございましたら、 info@onlyny.com までお問い合わせください。

商品は、荷受人/電子バイヤーに代わって輸入されます。荷受人は、Only NY に代わって商品を輸入することを許可します。さらに、荷受人/購入者は、NY のみが彼らに代わって商品を輸入する義務を下請け業者 (通関業者など) に委任できることに同意します。荷受人は、商品の購入価格に加えて税金と関税を支払います。

注: パッケージが発送されてから、国際税関を通過し、国際的な目的地に到着するまでに最大 6 週間かかる場合があります。


  • 配送国と請求先の国が一致している必要があることに注意してください。
  • 現時点では、Stanton Street Sports コレクションの商品のみをヨーロッパに発送できます。
  • さらに、米国本土以外にデッキを発送することはできません。下位 48 以外で行われたすべての注文は、上記のアイテムに対して返金されます。

Route Shipping Protection

Route Shipping

What is Route Package Protection?

Route's Package Protection is a package protection solution that helps cover your order in the event that your order gets lost, stolen, or damaged while in transit. We know how frustrating it is to have something happen to your order, so we’ve partnered with Route to offer added assurance that you’re supported, no matter what.  Package Protection can be added during checkout.

You can also utilize the Route App to visually track all of your online orders in one place and easily file a claim with their team. Whether you’re tracking via the Route App or online Route’s real-time shipping updates keep you in the loop throughout every part of your delivery. Haven’t downloaded the app yet? Download here

Purchased Route's Package Protection and looking to file a shipping issue online? File here

Where is My Order?

Once your order has been fulfilled by our team, a shipping confirmation with a tracking number will be emailed. You can download  Route’s mobile app for iOS or Android to visually track your package and receive real-time notifications on its estimated delivery.

How Does Route Work?

If your Route-protected order ends up lost, damaged, or stolen, Route’s expert support team helps ensure that your order gets replaced or refunded as preferred. Claims will be reviewed for approval within 1-2 business days from filing.  

Need to file a claim?  File here

How Does Route Process Refunds or Reorders?

Refunds: When refunding an item, Route covers the subtotal, shipping, and taxes if the merchant has Automatic Issue Resolution enabled.  

In both cases, the Route Premium cost will not be refunded. 

Reorders: Route will reorder the items, depending on in-stock availability. Unavailable items will be refunded. Route will cover the cost of any reorders including shipping, taxes, and Route Shipping Protection.

When Should I File a Claim?

Marked As Delivered (Stolen)

  • Claims will be reviewed no earlier than 5 calendar days and no later than 30 calendar days from when it was marked delivered. 

Stuck In Transit (Lost)

  • For domestic orders, claims will be reviewed no earlier than 2 calendar days and no later than 30 calendar days from the last update. The maximum filing time is 365 days from the order date.
  • For international orders, claims will be reviewed no earlier than 20 calendar days and no later than 30 calendar days from the last update. The maximum filing time is 365 days from the order date.


  • Claims for damaged items require photos of the packaging and item(s) and must be filed no later than 30 calendar days from when it was marked delivered.

All of Route’s policies are listed here

What if My Order Never Arrives or is Stolen?

Route definitely helps cover these instances! To protect your order against loss or theft, add Package Protection at checkout. 

If your order has not arrived, please file a claim with Route here. 

What if My Order Arrives Damaged?

Route covers damage as well! To protect your order against damage that occurred during shipping, add Route Protect at checkout. 

If your order has arrived to you damaged, please take photos of the item and the packaging it arrived in to include in your claim when filing. 

You can file a claim with Route here.

If your order has defects or you suspect it was damaged during manufacturing, please reach out to us and we will be happy to work with you to remedy the situation.

How Do I File a Claim for my Lost, Damaged, or Stolen Order?

If you insured your order with Route at checkout, you will receive a confirmation email from Route with a link to file a shipping issue. 

You can also file a shipping issue on Route’s app or via the web here. To file a claim, you will need your store order number OR Route ID number and the email address that was attached to the order.

Haven’t downloaded the app yet?  Download here

What are Route’s Terms and Conditions? 

Route’s terms and conditions are listed here: https://route.com/terms-and-conditions/

Is Route a Licensed Insurance Company?

While Route itself is not an insurance company, Route is authorized to provide access to shipping insurance. It does this through its entity, Route Insurance Solutions, which is a licensed insurance producer. This makes Route's Protect product legal and compliant for brands to offer as shipping insurance to their customers.

FAQs for Full Coverage Customers

What is Route Package Protection?

Route's Package Protection is a package protection solution that helps cover your order in the event that your order gets lost, stolen, or damaged while in transit.  We know how frustrating it is to have something happen to your order, so we’ve partnered with Route to offer added assurance that you’re supported, no matter what. We're providing Package Protection to each order free of charge

You can also utilize the Route App to visually track all of your online orders in one place and easily file a claim with their team. Whether you’re tracking via the Route App or online Route’s real-time shipping updates keep you in the loop throughout every part of your delivery. Haven’t downloaded the app yet? 
Download here

Purchased Route's Package Protection and looking to file a shipping issue online? File here

Where is My Order?

Once your order has been fulfilled by our team, a shipping confirmation with a tracking number will be emailed. You can download Route’s mobile app for iOS or Android to visually track your package and receive real-time notifications on its estimated delivery.

How Does Route Work?

If your order ends up lost, damaged, or stolen, Route’s expert support team helps ensure that your order gets replaced or refunded as preferred. Claims will be reviewed for approval within 1-2 business days from filing. 

Need to file a claim?  File here

How Does Route Process Refunds or Reorders?

Refunds: When refunding an item, Route covers the subtotal of the order. Shipping costs, taxes, and the Route premium are not included for merchants who do not have Automatic Issue Resolution (AIR), also known as Resolution via Platform (RVP). 

Reorders: Route will reorder the items, depending on in-stock availability. Unavailable items will be refunded. Route will cover the cost of any reorders including shipping and taxes.

When Should I File a Claim?

Marked As Delivered (Stolen)

  • Claims will be reviewed no earlier than 5 calendar days and no later than 30 calendar days from when it was marked delivered.

Stuck In Transit (Lost)

  • For domestic orders, claims will be reviewed no earlier than 2 calendar days and no later than 30 calendar days from the last update. The maximum filing time is 365 days from the order date. 
  • For international orders, claims will be reviewed no earlier than 20 calendar days and no later than 30 calendar days from the last update. The maximum filing time is 365 days from the order date.


  • Claims for damaged items require photos of the packaging and item(s) and must be filed no later than 30 calendar days from when it was marked delivered.

All of Route’s policies are listed here

What if My Order Never Arrives or is Stolen?

If your order has not arrived, please file a claim with Route here

What if My Order Arrives Damaged?

If your order has arrived to you damaged, please take photos of the item and the packaging it arrived in to include in your claim when filing. 

You can file a claim with Route here.

How Do I File a Claim for my Lost, Damaged, or Stolen Order?

You can file a shipping issue on Route’s app or via the web here. To file a claim, you will need your store order number OR Route ID number and the email address that was attached to the order.

Haven’t downloaded the app yet?  Download here

What are Route’s Terms and Conditions?

Route’s terms and conditions are listed here: https://route.com/terms-and-conditions/

Is Route a Licensed Insurance Company?

While Route itself is not an insurance company, Route is authorized to provide access to shipping insurance. It does this through its entity, Route Insurance Solutions, which is a licensed insurance producer. This makes Route's Protect product legal and compliant for brands to offer as shipping insurance to their customers.